👟 Added support for Shoes gear type. You can now sync your shoes from Strava, update them for each activity, assign a custom background to a shoe, and export your shoes in addition to your personal data.
🐛 Fix
Fixed bikes last synced at timestamp.
Fixed saving WeightTraining type of activities to Strava.
Fixed truncation of Activity description for very long text.
Version 0.26.3 - November 6, 2024
🐛 Fix
Fixed a division by zero bug for activities that don't have distance, such as workouts (weightlifting, breathwork, yoga, etc).
Version 0.26.2 - August 4, 2024
🐛 Fix
Fixed an odd division by zero bug for run and swim pace that I noticed only after hiding the distance column. It appears the visibility of this column is tied to the pace calculation.
Related to the above, the Distance column is always visible now, and can't be hidden anymore. This fixes an issue with Pace calculation, and should be a net positive since Distance is a primary metric.
Wouldn't it be nice to be able to remove the column background if you won't want it? Well, this feature had previously worked but became broken at some point. Now it is fixed and you can once again remove column background colors.
Fixed broken Gear column background highlighting.
Version 0.26.1 - December 8, 2023
🐛 Fix
Fixed an older bug that reverted the "Last 10 activities" on the Dashboard to the long-form display from the Activities page when the unit was toggled.
Fixed a regression introduced by the Livewire v3 update that broke the totals/average widget when selecting multiple activities.
Fixed an old bug that sorted the bikes on the dashboard in the wrong way (retired first instead of last).
Version 0.26.0 - December 7, 2023
🏗 Architecture
Upgraded to Livewire 3.
Version 0.25.0 - August 20, 2023
✨ New
Added Pace computed value and column. Swim Pace uses its own formula, while all the other sport types use the Run Pace formula.
Added Avg Speed, Max Speed, Calories columns to the Other tab.
Added Elapsed Time to Activity Detail.
Added seconds for Moving Time and Elapsed Time.
The Gear column now appears only under All, Rides, Runs, and Other.
🐛 Fix
Retired bikes are now sorted properly (last) on the Dashboard. You will need to re-toggle Retired from the bike settings modal off -> on -> off in order to see the changes.
Version 0.24.0 - July 16, 2023
✨ New
Custom filters for each tab.
Sport (Type) filter.
Make the (Activity) Type filter dynamic. Previously it had two hardcoded values (Outdoor and VirtualRide) that weren't directly mapped to Strava data.
Version 0.23.0 - June 25, 2023
✨ New
Only the last 10 activities are shown on the dashboard.
Custom columns for each tab.
Version 0.22.0 - June 17, 2023
✨ New
Now syncing ALL activities, not just cycling. Since becoming a triathlete I've had a complete change of perspective on the direction of this app. So I'm making it more inclusive by catering primarily to cycling, running, and swimming, but also other activity types tracked in Strava.
Reimagined navigation on desktop. Now there's a sidebar with links to each page. Mobile navigation remains the same.
Split the old dashboard into Dashboard (this is where you start when signing in) and Activities.
WIP - the new Dashboard is currently same as the old. The goal is to display a summary of top stats for all activities, as well as gear stats (number of activities and distance). In addition, I want to show a table with the last 10 activities.
WIP - the new Activities page is now organized by activity types. There are 5 tabs: All, Rides (EBikeRide, EMountainBikeRide, GravelRide, Handcycle, MountainBikeRide, Ride, Velomobile, VirtualRide), Runs (Run, TrailRun, VirtualRun), Swims (Swim), Other (all activities that are not Rides, Runs, Swims). Currently all tabs have the same columns (this will change to activity type-specific columns), and the same filters (again, this will be activity type-specific).
Everything that was in Settings is now under Account. There will be a new Settings in the future, containing actual preferences.
Version 0.21.2 - January 10, 2023
🐛 Fix
Fixed an issue where activities done on a new bike that was added in Strava but was not yet synced in NextBike would fail to sync silently. Now, the sync will succeed but no bike name will be displayed for that activity until a fresh bike sync from Strava is performed.
Version 0.21.1 - November 30, 2022
🐛 Fix
Fixed an issue with Firefox changing all empty column backgrounds to black (#000000) when restoring the site from cache (for example with SHIFT+CMD+T).
Version 0.21.0 - November 27, 2022
✨ New
🎨 The Columns dropdown now allows applying a custom background color to individual columns.
💄 Enhancement
Selected filter inputs now have a blue ring for improved visibility.
⚡️ Performance
Dashboard performance has been improved by reducing the number of database queries.
Version 0.20.0 - November 22, 2022
✨ New
Added AVERAGE (Distance, Moving Time, Elapsed Time, Elev Gain, Calories) in addition to SUM when selecting multiple rides. This can be useful for determining the average stats for the same course if it was ridden multiple times.
💄 Enhancement
Relocated the Columns dropdown next to the Search box to reclaim empty space.
Version 0.19.2 - October 16, 2022
🐛 Fix
Fixed a timezone bug affecting the date quick filters.
Version 0.19.0 - August 13, 2022
✨ New
Bikes total distance is now calculated by summing total activity distance for each bike instead of relying on the distance value from Strava.
⚡️ Performance
Bikes data on the dashboard is now cached, which should provide a small performance boost.
🐛 Fix
Fixed a bug that would close the Columns drop-down menu when clicking the label for the VR column instead of toggling the column.
Version 0.18.0 - June 15, 2022
✨ New
Added Sport field for the new Strava cycling subcategories: Ride, Gravel Ride, Mountain Bike Ride, E-Bike Ride, Virtual Ride, E-Mountain Bike Ride, Handcycle, Velomobile
Strava IDs (filter by a list of comma-separated Strava activity IDs)
Version 0.15.0 - June 5, 2022
✨ New
Added new Activity custom fields:
Front/Rear Tire Pressure
Version 0.14.0 - April 6, 2022
✨ New
Added Minimum/Maximum Distance filters to the Rides table
Added ride Duration filters - show rides between pre-defined Moving Time ranges
🐛 Fix
Fixed a regression that prevented the selected Quick Date filter from updating when the filter value changed
Fixed the page number failing to reset when removing the selected filter or resetting all filters
Version 0.13.1 - March 31, 2022
💄 Enhancement
Improved the Rides search box UI/UX
Moved it inside the table
Ride name filtering now works independently of the other filters (resetting the filters does not clear the search, and vice-versa)
🐛 Fix
Fixed a bug with the Quick Date filters which returned the wrong date for "today"
Fixed mobile filter UI layout issues
Version 0.13.0 - March 30, 2022
✨ New
Added Quick Filters to rapidly select rides from Today, This Week, This Month, or This Year
Added a Copy to Clipboard button for the Activity Title in Activity Details - useful for quickly copying the title to other activities
Version 0.12.0 - March 28, 2022
✨ New
Added From Date and To Date filters to the Rides table
Checkbox for selecting all activities on the page - useful to bulk-select filtered rides.
Version 0.11.0 - March 27, 2022
✨ New
😎 Charts overhaul
Stats page renamed to Charts, because that's what it is
Chart improvements! A chart will now show empty months (if any) between the first and last recorded rides for the selected filters.
Filters (bike, period) are now persisted in the URL string meaning you can refresh the page without losing the current selection
Version 0.10.0 - March 23, 2022
💄 Enhancement
Overhauled Rides table filter UI
Version 0.9.2 - March 19, 2022
💄 Enhancement
Rides table visual improvements
Improved custom field handling behind the scenes
Version 0.9.1 - March 8, 2022
✨ New
Added custom fields to data export
🚧 Maintenance
Upgraded to Laravel 9.x
Version 0.9.0 - March 7, 2022
✨ New
Activity details now have custom NextBike fields: Body Weight and Calories Consumed
🐛 Fix
Fixed a bug that prevented the bike from being updated correctly in the database despite being saved in Strava, when using "Save to Strava"
Version 0.8.9 - February 6, 2022
💄 Enhancement
The Rides table now has visual indicators for sortable columns
🐛 Fix
Fixed an Activity Detail bug that showed the wrong dirty state for Description in certain cases
Version 0.8.8 - February 1, 2022
✨ New
Added a count of all filtered activities in the Rides table
Added a Reset button to reset all Rides table filters
💄 Enhancement
The Rides table is now an actual HTML table and has been refreshed with crisp new styling
🐛 Fix
Fixed a Rides table columns bug that caused all columns in the dropdown to disappear when all columns were turned off
Version 0.8.6-0.8.7 - January 30, 2022
✨ New
Added subtle shadow to the totals box when selecting one or more activities, to indicate scrollable content
💄 Enhancement
Changed the unit radio buttons to a more functional toggle unit
Removed swirly website background and made incremental improvements for crisper colors, spacing, and shadows
Mobile nav menu is now light themed as the rest of the site
🚧 Maintenance
Library updates + internal maintenance
Version 0.8.5 - December 30, 2021
✨ New
Added a Bike (frame) Type filter to the Rides table
Version 0.8.4 - December 22, 2021
✨ New
Added a Year filter to the Rides table
Added Gravel frame type and renamed former CX/Gravel to CX
🐛 Fix
Fixed a Rides filtering bug that would produce unexpected results when selecting the empty (default) state
Version 0.8.3 - December 18, 2021
💄 Enhancement
Unclutter the Activity Detail header by adding separation and re-arranging the info into 3 rows
Added a link in the Activity Detail popup to open the activity in a new window
Version 0.8.2 - December 12, 2021
🐛 Fix
Fixed a bug in the Activity Detail popup that prevented the data in the Strava form fields from being updated after a fresh sync was triggered
Fixed a bug that prevented the activity in the Rides table from updating when an activity was synced from the Activity Detail popup
Version 0.8.1 - December 11, 2021
🐛 Fix
Fixed a bug that caused the data in the Activity Detail popup to be saved (instead of discarding) when clicking Cancel to close the popup
Fixed a bug where syncing in the Activity Detail overwrote Strava data instead of downloading it
Version 0.8.0 - December 9, 2021
✨ New
Delete account - deletes the account and all the associated data permanently
🐛 Fix
Fixed an issue preventing saving an activity with an empty description
Version 0.7.0 - December 5, 2021
✨ New
(Bike settings) Mark a bike as retired - adds a 💀 next to the bike name and dims the background color
Version 0.6.0 - December 2, 2021
✨ New
Bike settings! Customize your bikes with options. First up - change the bike background to a custom color.
Calories per hour and calories per mile/kilometer fields in Activity Detail
🐛 Fix
The main navigation with the site logo now appears correctly on static pages when not authenticated
Version 0.5.0 - November 26, 2021
✨ New
Settings page - for authenticated users to export their data
Personal data export - allows exporting all the Strava data currently in NextBike
Version 0.4.3 - November 23, 2021
💄 Enhancement
Improved error pages
🐛 Fix
Various security improvements
Fix an issue with too many Strava API attempts
Version 0.4.2 - November 18, 2021
✨ New
Update the Privacy Policy with an explanation of why each Strava permission is required when signing in
💄 Enhancement
Require one less Strava permission when signing in
Increased the text limit of the Strava activity Description field to 1000 characters
Activity Description now properly displays line breaks
🐛 Fix
Hitting Cancel on the Strava Authorization page now redirects back to the landing page instead of crashing
Version 0.4.1 - November 14, 2021
✨ New
New landing page
Added individual page titles
Version 0.4.0 - November 11, 2021
✨ New
Added Strava private and visibility fields for activities. A lock will now appear next to the activity name for newly synced activities.
🏗 Architecture
Rebuilt the logic and UI for selecting multiple activities. Before, it wasn't at all obvious you could click a row to select an activity. Now, there are checkboxes in front of each activity. Selecting 1 or more activities will highlight them and show a box above the table with aggregated totals for Distance, Moving Time, Elapsed Time, Elevation Gain, and Calories.
🐛 Fix
Revoking access now displays an error message prompting the user to sign in again when attempting to sync bikes, activities, or an individual activity
Version 0.3.0 - November 04, 2021
✨ New
New section under Activity Details for updating Strava fields (name, description, bike)
In addition, Strava fields are now saved to Strava in 1 operation instead of individually
Activity details now opens in a popup window instead of a new page, making navigation easier
🏗 Architecture
Revoking access for the NextBike app from Strava now destroys the API tokens
🐛 Fix
Various fixes to signing in and disconnecting from Strava
Version 0.2.1 - October 27, 2021
🐛 Fix
Fixed sign in with Strava error when not allowing permission to "View your complete Strava profile"
Disconnecting from Strava when the auth token was invalid or missing resulted in a "400 Bad Request"
💄 Enhancement
Improved page navigation for the Rides table
Version 0.2.0 - October 24, 2021
✨ New
This Changelog page to track new feature additions, changes, and bug fixes
Added Strava max_watts and weighted_average_watts fields (see
❗️ This required a reset of all users' visible Columns setting
🏗 Architecture
Improved how Rides table column visibility is persisted for each user